Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Wanna get laid??

first of all, the quote above is not something i really said. it just a quote from a popular improvisional comedy tv show - WHOSE LINE IS IT ANYWAY. For anyone who knows that, they will surely knew which part i m talking about. and for those who doesnt, anyone who loves to watch improvisional comedy, especially US version in which their jokes were mostly unbounded, spontaneous plus spastic, this comedy show is highly recommended by me. haha.

gosh. it is almost a fortnight that i havent updating my blog. what can i say, exam mode has increased the gap between my laptop and me.. but so much things happen within that period. i have been witnessing so many situation, from how such a small thing can lead to a fight until how important the seatbelt function to passengers.

by the way, my highest sympathy and thoughts towards family and friends. one of my campus student died from an accident few days ago, during lunchtime in front of my campus.

so many thing to say, so many thoughts to share, but time consuming me. in short, everything happen is just something your cannot predict or you are aware of it consequences. who knows, things you might think it as a minor thought could make your regret until afterward? who knows, easy things could appear to be outside of your expectation? who knows, preparation we did shud be a little bit more?

p/s : exam mode -less time blogging doesnt meant more time studying. clueless. haha

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